Create work order

The basic action to keep track of service rendered
Written by John Philip
Updated 11 months ago

For mobile

1. Tap "+" tab

2. Describe the work that is required to be done or the problem that is required to be solved.

Optional: Leave a comment or footnote that you want the assignee to be aware of, and add videos or images that would help the assignee to have a better picture of the problem or work.

Tap "Submit" button to successfully create the work order 

For web

1. Tap "+ New" and select Work Order

2. Enter a title to describe the work or problem required to be fixed, then tap "Add"

Optional: Add a description to describe the work in detail or upload images or videos to provide others with a better picture of the work required to be done.

Note: The maximum file size per image or video is set to 20Mb. Therefore you'll need to use other software or app to reduce the size of the file.

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